About PGUM Tainan
In Tainan area, alongside the long-established Tainan Yonghua service center - built to the highest specifications of the original manufacturer - Tainan City's Yongkang District is home to the first 5S full-function flagship service center in Taiwan. These premier locations continue to serve the elite clientele in Tainan with unmatched excellence.
In Tainan area, alongside the long-established Tainan Yonghua service center - built to the highest specifications of the original manufacturer - Tainan City's Yongkang District is home to the first 5S full-function flagship service center in Taiwan. These premier locations continue to serve the elite clientele in Tainan with unmatched excellence.
頭等艙般的BMW Individual VIP Lounge
精心打造6座頭等艙式BMW Individual VIP Lounge,配置符合人體工學的頂級按摩座椅,結合智慧的服務方塊科技,讓BMW貴賓們能暫時遠離塵囂,盡情享受貼心的尊尚服務與難得的片刻悠閒。
永康5S全功能旗艦展示暨服務中心 -
全台首座5S全功能旗艦展示暨服務中心,即Sales(銷售)、Survey(服務反饋)、Spare Parts(零配件)、Service(售後服務)、Sustainability(永續經營)等五大標準,提供無微不至的頭等艙尊榮服務。
永康5S全功能旗艦展示暨服務中心 -
永康5S全功能旗艦展示暨服務中心 -
永華展示中心 -
在人員訓練安排上更嚴格把關各區域服務品質,更設有Isetta Bar點心吧台提供咖啡、茗茶與台南在地人氣精緻茶點,給予貴賓更舒適的體驗。
永華展示中心 -